Cinderella Solution Review

Cinderella Solution Review – Does it work?   About Me Yes, I am a real person. I also struggle with weight gain as I get older like almost everyone else.  Having a husband, two young children, pets, part time school, and a part time job leave me with little time to work on myself. Therefore … Read more

Custom Keto Diet Review

Custom Keto Diet Review About Me Yes, I am a real person. I have a husband, two little kids, a dog, going to school, and have a job. So yes, I was blaming my poor diet and weight gain on being super busy. I soon realized I could make all the excuses in the world … Read more

Ted’s Woodworking Review

Quick Summary: There are a massive amount of woodworking plans in Ted’s Woodworking. Not all the plans are of equal quality and some are very detailed and some not so much. Same goes for the quality of the videos some have top notch production value and others are old and seem outdated. Would totally love … Read more

16 Legitimate Ways to Make Money at Home

Legitimate Ways to Make Money at Home

16 Legitimate Ways to Make Money at Home Inspired by an article from John Crestani   Mike Wall/Getty Images   So you’re looking for ways to make money from home… Join the crowd! Thanks to a genius invention called the internet, Americans are discovering more and more creative ways to cushion their bank accounts from … Read more