And Knowing is Half the Battle Wed, 28 Sep 2022 16:18:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to get from 0 – 10k+ followers on Instagram Wed, 28 Sep 2022 16:18:52 +0000 Exact blueprint on How to get from 0 – 10k+ followers on Instagram Here is a simple 8-step process on how to get from 0 – 10k+ followers on Instagram. Before we start, let’s get several things straight: By 10k followers I mean 10k people that actually care who you are & what you do. ... Read more

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Exact blueprint on How to get from 0 – 10k+ followers on Instagram

How to get from 0 - 10k+ followers on Instagram

Here is a simple 8-step process on how to get from 0 – 10k+ followers on Instagram.

Before we start, let’s get several things straight:

  • By 10k followers I mean 10k people that actually care who you are & what you do. Not just 10k random people following you.
  • This won’t happen overnight and takes a lot of work.
  • But if you do the work, it will be worth it 1000%

So let’s get started with the 8-step process:

1. Gain Clarity

This is what you need to know:

  • What’s the ultimate goal of the account? (ex. brand deals, sell a product, etc.)
  • What 2-3 topics do you want to be known for (ex. lifestyle, business expert, tennis enthusiast)
  • Type of content you like and want to produce (reels, tweets, etc.)

2. Market Research

  • Find 5 – 10 people in your niche that are crushing it
  • Study their content & find what people resonate with
  • Create a list of 10 – 20 topics that are proven to go “viral” or “resonate” with your target audience
  • Find a way to add a unique spin to it

3. Content Creation Phase 1

  • Create your first round of content.
  • Don’t try to “go viral”.
  • Try to 1) Provide value 2) Bring out your personality.
  • Authenticity is what makes good content GREAT.
  • Treat creating content like a child’s game. Have fun, get creative, and try out different things.
  • This 1st phase is to find your “flow”. The goal is to publish daily for at least 30 days.
  • Track the performance of each post to find what is working best FOR YOU

4. Content Creation Phase 2

At this point, you posted at least 30x on your Instagram account.

Take 1-2 hours to analyze the following:

  • Which posts did the best?
  • Why did they do better than others?
  • What’s the commonality between the best-performing videos?
  • What format/topics stand out?
  • After answering the above ask friends for feedback.

Use this “data” to create a second batch of content. Make minor changes where needed and try to implement the feedback friends/peers gave you. Start to sprinkle in some content that shows your personal story + indirectly shows you are qualified.

95% of the time, people see traction after that 2nd 30-day period, if not much sooner. The biggest trick to growing legit followers is to just post content every day and engage with others. It’s the unsexy playbook Gary Vee has proposed for years, and it holds true until today.

Think of it like investing in stocks. With each video, you might reach 5, 10, or 100 new people. Some will follow you and existing followers turn into fans. The more “fans” you stack, the more your reach will be over time. Given your content is good and provides value.

Over time, you have this compounding wave of raving fans that will lead you to go “viral” or just experience explosive growth. But none of that happens if you’re not posting daily for 30 – 60 days without expecting crazy results.

5. “Shares”

This is a little growth hack that holds true on all social media platforms. Find people in your niche with a similar or bigger audience than you. When you post, get them to share it with their story. Doing so will drastically increase the reach & likelihood of growing your own social media account.

If you want to level up your growth, you pay people in your space to share the content for you. WARNING: This only works if your content is HIGH QUALITY. Usually only recommend doing this when you have some well-performing content already.

6. Ads

It’s no secret that IG wants you to “pay to play”. Using Ads as a method to grow is super effective & can be as cheap as $0.1 – $0.3 per follower. If you have a product to sell it’s well worth it.

If you spend $1,000. grow 1000 followers, and make 3 sales for a $3k offer, that’s a 9x ROI. And that’s assuming shitty conversions. This just shows that this whole “grow organically” is not the only way. In the end, we’re all here to make the $$$.

7. Content Creation Phase 3

Content Phase 1 & 2 helped you gain experience & get some “bad reps” out of your system.

Now it’s time you start to be more strategic:

  • What hooks perform?
  • What controversial takes in my field could I make?
  • What topics can I double down on?

Content creation is a skill, and after 60+ content pieces, it’s key to planning your videos/tweets/captions properly. If you have the capacity, you want to increase the posting volume to 2x per day. Doubling your reach and exposure helps accelerate growth.

8. Collaborations

When you grow your initial audience ( 3k – 5k followers) you can start reaching out to other creators and pitch them the idea to collaborate with you on posts.

Again, you want to cross-pollinate your audiences, helping you reach new people.

Final Thoughts

This is the entire process I am going through right now to skyrocket my account past that 10k+ follower benchmark.

Ultimately, comes down to you creating GOOD content, which happens by doing A LOT of it. And once you get some traction, you double down using “promos” / “shares”.

Instagram isn’t an intimidating monster it is set out to be. For your content to hit, you just need to study the space you enter and see what works, and replicate it in your own way & by adding your unique touch.

I hope this added some value to you.

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How to make $25,000/year on YouTube without showing your face Tue, 27 Sep 2022 21:44:21 +0000 All with less than 20 minutes of work a week (If Contracted Out) With this simple side hustle let me show you how to make 25K/year on YouTube without showing your face. Now there are a lot of ways to make more money: Work overtime at your job Get a second job Start a side ... Read more

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All with less than 20 minutes of work a week (If Contracted Out)

Make 25K/year on YouTube without showing your face

With this simple side hustle let me show you how to make 25K/year on YouTube without showing your face.

Now there are a lot of ways to make more money:

  • Work overtime at your job
  • Get a second job
  • Start a side hustle

Sadly, these aren’t the best or most effective ways to make more money.

Let me share 5 steps anyone (yes, even you) can follow To make an extra $25k/year by building a YouTube channel.

1. Select a profitable niche.

Profitable niches allow for more:

  • ad revenue
  • brand deals
  • affiliate offers

Plus, the more interested people are in your niche The faster you will grow which means the more money you will make.

Here is a list of the most profitable niches:

Real Estate$12-17

If you are outsourcing the work any niche will work. If you are doing all the work yourself I would recommend finding something that you enjoy or are really passionate about.

2. Identify video ideas & create a schedule

To easily find content do the following:

  • Re-make popular videos in your niche with your own twists.
  • Search for popular topics in your niche. Then re-create videos with high views from small channels.
  • Use software plugins to find videos you can rank for.

Next, you will need to determine an upload schedule. This includes how often and on which days you should upload your videos to YouTube. I suggest 3 videos a week. Once you start uploading your videos, your optimal times will present themselves. The key is to make your videos habitual for your viewers so they can come back and watch future videos.

3. Determine the monetization approach

This is the approach or outline that has worked for me:

  • 0-1000 subs: Promote Affiliate offers, courses
  • 1000-10000 subs: Promote Affiliates, courses, and ad revenue
  • 10000+ subs: Promote affiliates, ad revenue, courses, coaching, etc.

Remember to have offers at all price points so potential customers have plenty of options.

Now here’s how you make your $25k/year:

  • $25,000 per year = ~$2,000 a month
  • 10,000 monthly views x 0.005% conversion rate x $40 product = $2,000
  • As your channel grows, this income will grow as well

4. Create Content or Hire Talent

With this, you can either create the content yourself or hire talent to do the work for you. I would recommend hiring talent if you can afford it. The reason for this is that it will take the average person a long time to learn how to create the content. This will make it much easier to take action instead of trying to learn and then quitting out of frustration.

If hiring talent then you will need the following:

  • Scriptwriter
  • Voiceover artist
  • Editor
  • Thumbnail designer

You can hire each of these roles on websites like Upwork or Fiverr.

Here’s an example of a job posting you can use:

“I am the founder of an online media company based in the United States. We are looking for a full-time whiteboard animation creator for our YouTube channel.

Here is the level of animation expected: “Provide link to example YouTube video here”

The freelancer for this project requires knowledge in Videoscribe or similar software and must be able to create twenty 5-minute videos a month.

The monthly budget for this role is $300-$500 depending on animation quality and timeliness of production.”

5. Package videos and upload them to YouTube

If you hire out the work then the only things you need to do are the following:

  • Review and upload each video made by your team
  • Add thumbnail and title
  • Publish and profit
  • Cash or deposit your earnings

It’s really that simple. All it takes is for you to take action and stay the course. Hope you enjoyed this if so come back for more simple guides that can make you extra money.

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Cinderella Solution Review Wed, 15 Jul 2020 20:49:15 +0000 Cinderella Solution Review – Does it work?   About Me Yes, I am a real person. I also struggle with weight gain as I get older like almost everyone else.  Having a husband, two young children, pets, part time school, and a part time job leave me with little time to work on myself. Therefore ... Read more

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Cinderella Solution Review – Does it work?



About Me


Yes, I am a real person. I also struggle with weight gain as I get older like almost everyone else.  Having a husband, two young children, pets, part time school, and a part time job leave me with little time to work on myself.

Therefore I finally realized that all the excuses in the world wouldn’t matter if I didn’t dedicate some time and energy to my health.  As I have gotten older I have realized I have less energy, self esteem, and confidence.  Mentally and physically I was getting to my breaking point.

Like I mentioned before I don’t have a lot of time to either cook or exercise for long periods of time.  So I started to do a little research on programs that will save me time and money.

I happened to come across the Cinderella Solution and I became intrigued. The deciding factor on why I choose the Cinderella Solution is because it was a full and easy weight loss program.  From what I read it was easy to follow, had a diet plan, also came with an exercise program that required very little equipment.

<< Start Your own Weight Loss Journey Today!  >>


What is involved in starting the Cinderella Solution?

The Cinderella Solution is a weight loss system designed exclusively for women over 25 years old.  It’s a purely digital four phase weight loss program based on new research.  This research shows that women go through a hormonal transition from puberty and up to menopause.  The hormonal transition can slow the female metabolism, making it very hard to lose weight.

After purchasing this program you should learn a unique two step ritual that reactivates your metabolism. The ritual is a specific series of exercises partnered with a proper diet. Once your metabolism reactivates you can start burning fat a lot more easily than before.

This program doesn’t count calories or have a overly strict diet. From what I experienced and read this is a 100% safe and natural way for every women over 25 to lose weight.

Yes, for me the program was pretty simple to follow since all the hard work is done for you. This doesn’t mean that you can read the program and lose weight magically.  You still have to do your part.  This involves completing the plan provided to you.

==> Start the Cinderella Solution Today and Start Losing Weight

How Does The Cinderella Solution Diet Work?

The Cinderella Solution is loosely based on a flavor pairing strategy used in the Japanese Shokuiku nutritional program.  This program was created to help people lose weight and maintain ideal bodyweight without the ups and downs associated with regular diet plans.

Food combinations are tested for burning fat in a natural way.  So there is no need for counting calories making the diet a more enjoyable experience.

Women who are looking for a long term diet solution that can be repeated in cycles will find this program attractive.

What’s Inside the Cinderella Solution Program?


  • Quick Start Guide: 52 page booklet which helps guide you to start implementing the system right away. You don’t have to read all the theory first you can just skip to the best parts if you want. This new Quick Start Guide also includes all of the recipes you need.
  • Cinderella Solution PDF Main Manual: 93 page eBook manual on weight loss, hormones, and female metabolism.  This eBook contains the theory behind the program.  This Manual contains the lists of foods and food combos taken from healthy countries where weight is not much of an issue.
  • The Movement Sequencing Guide: The workout portion of the program.  Contains 30 pages with exercises that are to be performed in a specific order.  Each exercise is described fully and even contains a link to a video so you can get a visual on how to actually perform the exercise.  No home home gym is required, just a pair of dumbbells and a yoga mat should be all that’s needed
  • Workout Video Library: 60 videos that are connected to The Movement Sequencing Guide.  These videos are exercise tutorials so you can have a visual aid in performing the exercises that are recommended.
  • Food Lover’s Recipe Playbook: 98 page manual describing the foods and meal plans the author used for her own 84 pound weight loss.  Also has recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus a 22 page dessert recipe manual.
  • The New Cinderella Solution Accelerator: The accelerator was created from the most successful and fastest weight loss case studies.  It reveals step by step what these women did to achieve their results.  The Cinderella Solution Accelerator is  meant as a short cut to the program to get results faster.

<< Get Access To the Cinderella Solution Weight Loss Program Now >>


How long is the Cinderella Solution program?

The nutrition plan lasts for for 28 days.  The plan is divided into two 14 day phases, the “Ignite” and “Launch” phases.  Good news is that this nutrition plan can be repeated as many times as you want.  This means you can rinse and repeat until you reach your idea weight.

For those worrying about if they will be hungry on this diet there is no need to worry.  During the Ignite phase you will be eating 3 meals a day.  Once you reach the Launch phase meals go up to 4 a day.

Both of these phases include 14 different meal plans for each day of the phase.  Keep in mind this doesn’t include all the bonus recipes you receive.  All the tedious meal planning and experimenting is already done for you.  Just takes action and dedication from you.

One of the best parts is there are different diet variations available.  There are recipes for vegetarians, pescatarians, and lactose intolerant people.


My review of the Workouts

Although not required, the Cinderella Resolution offers gentle workout routines for women.  These workout routines are designed to be done at home with just a pair of dumbbells or workout cables and maybe a yoga mat.

In my past experiences I always get better results when I combine diet and exercise together.  Also tend to get longer lasting results when exercise is used.  Everyone is different and you can probably get results without performing the exercise routines so I will leave that up to you.

The exercise routines are designed for a women’s metabolism.  They are structured in sequences which means they flow from one exercise to the next. The manual recommends one cycle every other day for beginners with up to 2 cycles daily.  For those that are more experienced perform cycles three days in a row followed by a rest day.

There are 15 workouts in the manual.  Each workout contains 6 to 10 exercises.  All exercises have links to videos for better visual reference.

For me I exercised in the morning and it took me from around 10 -20 mins depending which cycle I was performing that day.  The workouts were good enough for me to work up a little sweat and I wasn’t that sore afterwards.  In my honest opinion I sort of liked the exercises provided even though I am not a workout fan.

==> Start Losing Weight Today!!

My review of the Food

The food program is divided into four basic groups.

  1. Prime Proteins
  2. Power Carbs
  3. Royal Fats
  4. Angel Carbs

The Meal plans provided give you suggestions for your daily meals.  You can also design your own custom meals based on foods you enjoy.  Each of the four basic groups contain a long list of foods you can pick from.  So hopefully even if you are a picky eater you can find something you will enjoy.

With the two step fat loss flavor pairing strategy this program implements it’s designed to do the following:

  • Revitalize the female metabolism
  • Burn fat
  • Offset the effects of the modern diet on insulin, cortisol, and estrogen levels

I am a self admitted foodie so I was able to easily come up with meal plans I enjoyed.  I can’t say for sure you will be able to find a enjoyable plan but for the majority of people it shouldn’t be a problem.

<< Get Your Flavor Pairing Meal Plan Today!! >>


Final Results and Thoughts

I started the program at around 145 pounds.  I started both the diet and exercise programs at the same time.  After the first week I was pleasantly surprised I lost around 5 pounds.  Each following week was a little less then the previous until I was losing around 1-2 pounds a week at the end.  I did two cycles total so after around 8 weeks I lost a little over 20 pounds.  I was able to fit into clothes I hadn’t worn in a long time and I felt great.  My plan is to try the Cinderella Solution several times a year to maintain my weight.

So would I recommend this weight loss program to other women?  Yes, I would but with some caveats.  With any weight loss program it takes work and commitment and this program is no different.  If you are looking for a magic solution where you can just drop pounds with little to no effort let me know because I would love to us it. What I can say is that if you stick exactly to the program you should see results.  Everybody is different and some may see better results than others.

As I mentioned before I did both the diet and the exercise portions of the program.  Therefore I can’t say with any confidence that you will see results from just using the diet alone as they say you can.

In conclusion, the Cinderella Solution is a very feasible weight loss program for women who want a realistic diet plan to follow that doesn’t contain any complicated calorie-counting or hard workouts that are more suited for men than women.  This weight loss program was designed for women by women.


==>  Check Out The Cinderella Solution and Start Building Your Dream Body Today!




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Custom Keto Diet Review Thu, 09 Jul 2020 23:30:29 +0000 Custom Keto Diet Review About Me Yes, I am a real person. I have a husband, two little kids, a dog, going to school, and have a job. So yes, I was blaming my poor diet and weight gain on being super busy. I soon realized I could make all the excuses in the world ... Read more

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Custom Keto Diet Review


About Me


Yes, I am a real person. I have a husband, two little kids, a dog, going to school, and have a job. So yes, I was blaming my poor diet and weight gain on being super busy.

I soon realized I could make all the excuses in the world but it wouldn’t help me from keeping the pounds off.  My self esteem and confidence took a hit as I used to consider pretty hot in my pre-kid days.

Inside I knew I had to make a change not just for my mental health but for my physical health as well.  I work part time as a nurse practitioner and I am going to school to try and become an RN nurse.  Several people I work and go to school with have tried Keto and had some good results so I thought I would give it a try.

Since I don’t have much time to exercise I felt the best and easiest way to lose wait was through diet and as I mentioned heard some good things about the Keto diet.  So I started researching Keto diets.

What I ended up deciding on was the Custom Keto Diet. No, I did not get a free copy or anything I just tried it and found good results.


What is involved in starting the Custom Keto Diet?

The first thing you do is go on the Custom Keto Diet website and start the quiz.

The quiz creates a diet plan based on your gender, activity levels, and types of foods you enjoy.  Once you have entered in all the info in the quiz you will get some charts and graphs.  These will advise you on the amount of macros, carbs, fats, proteins you should be consuming.  You will also see your BMI and how much water you should be drinking.

Once you take the quiz and get your recommendations you can start looking through the recipes.  Find some recipes you think you will like. Then you can start implementing the diet plans the program creates for you based on your individual parameters. All nutritional info is included with these meals.  With your diet plan calorie tracking is a cinch and so is portion control.


<< Take the Keto Diet Quiz Now >>


What is included in the Custom Keto Diet Program

The custom keto diet is a brand new product that allows someone to create their very own keto diet plan based on their food preferences, daily activity levels, height, weight and target weight goals.

They use scientific research and proven studies to create personalized ketogenic diet plans that maximize fat burning via the correct calories and macronutrients for each individual.

The custom keto diet plan are available to access immediately after payment.

Here’s what you will get:

    • An eight-week meal plan created based on the expertise of certified nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs.
    • Meals that have calorie and macronutrient content tailored to your specific situation and goals.
    • A nutrition plan with food variety to ensure you will get a wide range of nutrients and boost the likelihood of sticking to your diet.
    • Meals that are based on your personal food preferences. To make your diet enjoyable and help you stay on track with your plan.
    • Detailed recipes with step-by-step instructions to make meal preparation super simple (no prior cooking experience needed).
    • A downloadable shopping list each week that details every needed ingredient you will need in the upcoming seven days.
    • Options on how you can customize every meal even more to suit your taste buds.
    • You will be shown what to eat every day to reach your goals in the fastest and most enjoyable way.
    • 11 Keto cookbooks

You will also get access to the following videos:

  • An A-Z of Everything You Need to Know About the Ketogenic Diet
  • Introduction to Keto
  • What is the Ketogenic Diet
  • Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet
  • Keto Diet and Blood Pressure
  • What Do I Eat On a Keto Diet
  • How Does the Keto Diet Work for Weight Loss
  • Getting Started on the Keto Diet
  • Keto Recipe
  • Keto Tips, Hacks and Conclusion

You get all this and a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!

<< Lose Weight and Get Your Own Personalized Keto Custom Diet Now!  >>


Tour of Members Area and what Happens after you sign up

Below video is not mine.  But I feel it accurately portrays the members area.  I apologize for the bad voiceover but it does show what you get in the members area.


How did it go for me?

The beginning

I will be honest the first few weeks of the diet were not easy.  In my experience all diets that work aren’t easy or there wouldn’t be anyone that needed to lose weight.

During the first week the drastic cut of carbohydrates that left me really hungry a lot of the time.  Now I will be honest and say before I started the keto diet I did probably consume way more carbs then I should have.

Toward the end of the first week the dreaded “Keto Flu” hit me. From the research I had done about the keto diet I knew this was most likely going to happen.  What happens is the body is adjusting from the lack of constant glucose supply and is transitioning into burning fat.  During this time I was very tired, had crazy sugar cravings, and was generally mean from what I hear….LOL.

The keto flu for me lasted 3-4 days from what I remember.  But if you ask my husband he will probably say a few weeks.  After that first week I had lost around 4 pounds.

Light at the End of the Tunnel

After I experienced the lows of the keto flu the cloud starting lifting.  My body started to feel great.

I will be honest I probably felt the best I had felt in years.  I had energy, a clear head, lack of hunger,and was just overall feeling great about myself.  On average the first month or so I lost around 2-3 pounds a week.  After the first month the weight loss slowed as my body adjusted and I would lose about 1-2 pounds a week.

After 8 weeks on the program I lost a little more than 20 pounds of mostly fat.  I went from around 135 pounds to a little over 110 pounds which is around my high school weight.  I now can proudly wear my bikini again and my confidence is sky high.


==> Get into the Shape You have always Wanted


The Aftermath

Towards the end of my 8 week program, I realized I had felt the best I had in years. It’s hard to stop a diet that makes you feel so good. While restrictive and not for everyone, I came to the conclusion the ketogenic diet could be the perfect plan for the right person who has the right mindset.

But after finishing the ketogenic diet, I found that my body does not need to be in a constant state of ketosis for better health.  I plan on doing the keto diet maybe several times a year after holidays and such when it’s too hard to totally restrict your diet.

My take is there is no “one size fits all” diet out there and this might not be for everyone.  You can indeed, go off and on this diet. You simply need to try things out, and determine what your body likes best.


Final Thoughts

Let me start off by saying the keto diet is not for everyone.  The diet itself is not easy at first as your body goes through a huge adjustment.  This program itself is really helpful as it eliminates the hardest part of the diet which is meal planning and cooking.  This program creates a meal plan for you including an ingredient shopping list to make your life that much easier.

If followed correctly the diet will make you lose weight.  It’s not some miracle diet where you will drop 20 pounds overnight.  If done correctly you should lose 2-3 pounds a week which is in the healthy range.  So if you are looking for a detailed step by step keto diet plan then this program should be great for you.  Even is tailored just for you with recipes from ingredients you enjoy.



<< Get Your Own Personalized Keto Diet Today and Start Changing Your Life >>


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Ted’s Woodworking Review Wed, 08 Jul 2020 17:37:02 +0000 Quick Summary: There are a massive amount of woodworking plans in Ted’s Woodworking. Not all the plans are of equal quality and some are very detailed and some not so much. Same goes for the quality of the videos some have top notch production value and others are old and seem outdated. Would totally love ... Read more

The post Ted’s Woodworking Review appeared first on And Knowing is Half the Battle.

Quick Summary: There are a massive amount of woodworking plans in Ted’s Woodworking. Not all the plans are of equal quality and some are very detailed and some not so much. Same goes for the quality of the videos some have top notch production value and others are old and seem outdated. Would totally love this program if it had a search feature for the plans. It can take some time to find something you are looking for since there are a massive number of plans. From $67 with a 60 day 100% money back guarantee. Click Here or button above to get your plans now!



My Teds Woodworking Plans Review – An Honest Customer Opinion


Little about me

Hi my name is Jim and yes I have purchased Teds Woodworking Plans.

I currently have my own landscaping business in Southern California so I love working with my hands and getting dirty.  What led me to Ted’s Woodworking was the I was mainly looking for outdoor furniture and shed plans.  My wife has been bugging me to either buy or build outdoor furniture for our outdoor patio area.  I try to follow the say saying a “Happy Wife is a happy life” LOL.

I saw all the advertisements for Ted’s and couldn’t argue with the deal they were advertising. The advertised 16,000 woodwork plans is pretty much what hooked me in.  I had previously looked for individual plans but they usually cost anywhere from a few dollars to around $15 without knowing exactly what I was getting.  So I figured I would be sure to find something I can use from the sheer amount of plans advertised on Ted’s.

My woodworking skill level is intermediate and I am pretty handy with most tools.  My big problem is I need to be able to visualize what I am building.  I am not the most creative person so having good plans and material lists goes a long way at least with me. Also by looking at plans gives me ideas on what I could build and what styles I could incorporate.


After Purchasing Ted’s Woodworking Program

After purchasing the program I was eager to see what exactly I paid for.  Navigating around isn’t too hard and the links are clearly marked.  What I did notice is that there didn’t seem to be 16,000 plans as advertised.  I can’t say 100% they don’t have 16,000 plans since I don’t have the time or energy to count it just seemed like less to me.  Don’t get me wrong they do have a massive number of plans available though.

I would love this purchase a lot more if they included a search feature in the members area.  It was very time consuming browsing through all the plans.  Maybe some people like this but not me LOL.

Also another thing I noticed browsing the plans were not all the plans were step by step and detailed as advertised.  A lot of the plans are great and some look a little sloppy.  So you are not guaranteed that a specific plan you are looking for is very detailed.

Video tutorials were another hit and miss item for me.  Some videos were great and very detailed while others were very old with very low production value.

All in all I was satisfied with my purchase. I got a lot of ideas for future projects and since there is a members area I don’t ever have to be concerned about losing the plans I do download.  Plus they add more plans every month.  To me just the sheer amount of the plans is worth the purchase price and all the other stuff is just pure bonus material.

Some of my own Personal Projects

Here are just a few of the projects I have already built either for me or my family and friend’s using Ted’s Woodworking plans.


I hope to build a shed next and have gotten several ideas from the plans on Ted’s woodworking but I already have an old shed that needs to be torn down first and I just haven’t had the time.  I also have both my brother-in laws birthdays coming up so I was thinking about possibly making them both a cornhole set.

Quick Video Tour of inside Ted’s Woodworking

Please note below video was not made by me and I don’t necessarily agree with everything said in the video.  I am sharing this video as I believe it gives you a good visual preview of what you are getting with your purchase of Ted’s Woodworking.

Is Ted’s Woodworking for Everyone?

I know a question many of you are asking is Ted’s Woodworking a fit for me?  Let me answer this as best as I can.  In my humble opinion this program is probably best for beginner and intermediate skill sets in woodworking.

Don’t get me wrong their can be some advanced skill woodworkers who may find this program helpful.  It’s great for saving time versus searching thorough google looking for ideas on new projects.  I am not advanced in skill as I mentioned before, but I am sure their are some advanced people who could use some help with visualizing projects and plans as I do.

I can say just having thousands of plans in front of me it does save me tons of time either searching google or Pinterest.  It does take some time going through the plans and downloading them.  It would be very helpful if there was some type of search feature in the members area. But there are options such as having them send you discs of all the plans so you don’t have to download them.  There is an extra cost for this so if you are willing to spend the money you can order the discs and then save it to your computer.  Then you could use the search feature on your computer or laptop to find what you are looking for.


What you get with Ted’s Woodworking

I am sure you probably have already seen most of what you get with purchasing Ted’s program but I will provide a quick recap for those who haven’t.

    • Instant Access To All 16,000 Projects with step-by-step details, plans, cutting & materials list and more… (Probably less than this as stated before)
    • Lifetime FREE Monthly Plans – no recurring fees or other charges (updates with a few plans a month)
    • A Treasure Trove of Tutorials and in-depth woodworking training
    • DWG & CAD Plan Viewer so you can edit and modify your plans
    • 150 Premium Woodworking Videos covering a wide range of topics, hosted by master craftsman (Not all videos are premium at least to me as stated before)
    • How To Start A Woodworking Business Book – learn how to make money selling your custom woodwork (Have not read book so no opinion yet)
    • Complete Woodworking Guides – over 200 pages of tips and tricks with detailed drawings and diagrams (Have not read book so no opinion yet)

Here are most of the categories of plans available:

Arbor Projects
Adirondack Chairs
Artwork Display
Bathroom Unit
Box Designs
Billiard/Pool Table
Barn Plans
Bed Plans
Bedside Cabinets
Bee Hive Plans
Bench Projects
Bird Feeders
Birdhouse Plans
Boat Plans
Book Case Plans
Changing Table
Coat Rack
Cabin Plans
Cabinet Plans
Carport Plans
Cart Plans
Cat House Plans
CD/DVD Holder
Cellar Projects
Chair Plans
Chest Designs
Chicken Houses
Children Rooms
Clock Plans
Coffee Tables
Cold Frame Plans
Compost Bin
Computer Desk
Crafts and Gifts
Cutting Boards
Deck Plans
Dog Houses
Door Designs
Drill Press
Furniture Plans
Farmshop Plans
File Cabinet
Kids Furniture
Garage Plans
Gun Cabinets
Gun Hidden Storage
Home Office
Horse Barns
Humidor Plans
Hutch Plans
Jig Plans
Kitchen Projects
Knife Block
Lathe Plans
Media Center
Music Boxes
Ottoman Plans
Outdoor Plans
Rabbit Houses
Wooden Racks
Router Plans
Scroll Saws
Outdoor Sheds
Signs & Displays
Small Homes
Squirrel Den Box
Storage Plans
Swing Plans
Table Plans
Tool Boxes
Trellis Plans
Utility Buildings
Wooden Toys
Wagon Designs
Wind Generator
Wishing Well
& Many More!


What Other Customers are saying

As with the majority of products I purchase I research what others have to say about the products before I buy them.  This program was no different.  Below is what I found the majority of people feel about the product.


  • The detail and thoroughness on some of the plans is hard to beat especially with all the many extras included
  • Lots of helpful added extras in some of the plans that help beginners to intermediate skill levels
  • Price is good for the amount of plans included


  • The main complaint I saw was there are some people claiming Ted’s Woodworking is a scam.  This is because of two primary reasons.  First the man in the advertisements is a stock photo from a photo sharing site which means there is probably no real Ted.  Second some of the plans included you can find on other websites are or free if you search hard enough.
  • There is some exaggeration of the program on marketing materials
  • Some of the plans are light on with detail or lower quality as I mentioned before.

My take on the CONS

This is purely my take on the negative comments on the program.  Please form your own opinions or do your own research if it concerns you that much.

I am definitely not a lawyer so I can’t say whether all Ted’s plans are legal or not.  Seems to me that some of the plans available could public domain.  Also Ted’s Woodworking is really popular and has been around nearly 10 years.  To me if they were really stealing plans there would definitely be many lawsuits since the program is so popular.

Also as for the deceiving part of the actual Ted it doesn’t really matter to me as long as I get what I was promised.  Most brands or programs have someone that is paid to endorse their products and this program is no different.

For me a got primarily what I wanted from the program.  A lot of plans that I can use in the future at a decent price.


Answers for absolute beginners

I am sure beginners have a lot of questions so here are some of the ones I think would be the most asked.  If you want any additional info ask me questions in the comment section and I will try and answer as many as I can.

  •  Is a workshop needed?  My answer to this is no.  The vast majority of the plans that I have seen only require a little section where you can setup your tools and work.  This can be inside or outdoors wherever you have space.
  • Are expensive tools needed?  In my opinion this is totally up to you and your budget.  If you were a contractor or professional woodworker you would want to spend the extra money on expensive tool brands since you will use them everyday.  If you are just going to dabble in woodworking my advice is to just buy what you can afford.  None of the plans I have seen require top notch tools.
  • What if I don’s have any idea about which brand of tool to buy? Ted has brand and model recommendations in the members area. This way, you avoid getting a tool that won’t work for you.  Of course I would always double check the recommendations with your own research but that is just me.
  • I just don’t know how to start? This is very normal. A 200-page woodworking guide is provided free with this product. There is very useful information for both novices and professionals.

My Final Thoughts

Woodworking is indeed a fantastic hobby to have. From helping someone channelize all their pent-up stress into something creative, woodworking is quite unique as a pastime. And Ted’s Woodworking can help you start on that path with the massive amount of plans they have.

As with most things in life there are definitely some flaws with this woodworking program. For me personally they weren’t enough in my humble opinion to not recommend this product.  If you are pretty much just looking for a lot of good plans and instructional videos to get you started then this program is for you.  If you are looking for that perfect product which I don’t believe exists then I would look at alternative solutions.

For the price of the program I would say Ted’s woodworking program is a pretty good deal.  Just a look at some of the competition and compare what you get.  If even half of what Ted’s advertisements say is true then it still beats most competitors.  Just check it out if you aren’t satisfied there is a 60 day 100% money back guarantee.





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16 Legitimate Ways to Make Money at Home Mon, 08 Jun 2020 17:49:00 +0000 16 Legitimate Ways to Make Money at Home Inspired by an article from John Crestani   Mike Wall/Getty Images   So you’re looking for ways to make money from home… Join the crowd! Thanks to a genius invention called the internet, Americans are discovering more and more creative ways to cushion their bank accounts from ... Read more

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16 Legitimate Ways to Make Money at Home

Inspired by an article from John Crestani


Legitimate Ways to Make Money at Home

Mike Wall/Getty Images


So you’re looking for ways to make money from home… Join the crowd!

Thanks to a genius invention called the internet, Americans are discovering more and more creative ways to cushion their bank accounts from the comforts of home.

Not sure where to start? Pour yourself a cup of coffee (or glass of wine), and keep reading.

How to Make Money From Home in 2020

If you’re looking to make money online, you’ll need to exercise caution. There are a lot of scams out there, but don’t fret: We’ve tested dozens, if not hundreds, of different money-making strategies and included only our favorites.

Yup — none of them involve Nigerian princes, and you really will get paid.

Without further ado, here are 16 legitimate ways to earn extra cash from home.


1. Earn Cash While Watching Cooking Videos Online

Earn Cash While Watching Cooking Videos Online

Tina Russell/The Penny Hoarder


If we told you that you could get paid to watch videos on your computer, you’d probably laugh.

It’s too good to be true, right?

But we’re serious. Theres a website that will pay you to watch short video clips online. One minute you might watch someone bake brownies and the next you might get the latest updates on Kardashian drama.

All you have to do is choose which videos you want to watch and answer a few quick questions about them afterward.

No, it won’t replace your full-time job, but it’s something easy you can do while you’re already on the couch tonight wasting time on your phone.

Unlike other sites, these site pays you in cash — no points or gift cards. It’s already paid its users more than $56 million.

To find out more about how to get started making money watching videos, and other work-at-home opportunities like it, get the book ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ from John Crestani for only $1 here.

2. Play Free Scratch-off Tickets

Play Free Scratch-off Tickets
LeoPatrizi/Getty Images


There’s something so satisfying about those gas station scratch-off tickets, but it’s better to avoid them because, well, that’s not Penny Hoarding.

Instead, try scratching for free! Each day, it releases a new assortment of digital scratch-off tickets. Lucktastic says instant wins range from $1 to $10,000. You can also earn tokens that you can exchange for free gift cards to retailers including Amazon, Walmart, Kohl’s, Sephora and more.

The app is supported by advertising, which allows it to keep the payouts high and the games free.

To find out more about how to play free scratch off tickets, and other work-at-home opportunities like it, get the book ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ from John Crestani for only $1 here.


3. Earn up to $60/Hour Helping Small Business Owners

Helping Small Business Owners

Does earning $60 an hour sound appealing? And you don’t even have to leave your house? Oh, and you get to help others.

You don’t have to have a CPA to be successful in this business. In fact, all you really need are decent computer skills and a passion for helping business owners tackle real-world problems.

It’s a great opportunity for moms who want to work part time, millennials who are just out of college and anyone who wants to bring in real money while working from home.

To find out more about how to get started making money helping small businesses, and other work-at-home opportunities like it, get the book ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ from John Crestani for only $1 here.


4. Make up to $15/Hour to Pick up Milk for Your Neighbors

Pick up Milk for Your Neighbors
Tina Russell/The Penny Hoarder


The grocery store is a surprisingly zen place. Somewhere between the soothing elevator music, the free samples and the wafting aroma of rotisserie chicken, you settle into a peaceful groove.

None of the stress of work or home — it’s just you and the aisles.

Even better than getting paid to grocery shop? If you need the money, like, now, you can cash out instantly after each delivery.

Holly Gaston, of San Francisco, California, has tried plenty of side gigs. With Postmates, she makes an average of $15 an hour. Plus, she says it’s been much more enjoyable than any of her previous side gigs.

Signing up shouldn’t take you more than about three minutes. Get the ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ book by John Crestani to learn more about making money shopping for others and other current work-at-home opportunities.


5. Earn up to $25/Hour Delivering Food

Delivering Food
MStudioImages/Getty Images


Cities around the country are filled with two things: incredible restaurants and busy people.

You can help connect them by delivering food through a variety of apps.

As a “Dasher,” you’ll work as an independent contractor, setting your own hours and working as much or little as you want, meaning how much you can make is up to you.

You’ll earn a $6 fee for each delivery, plus keep 100% of your tips. Depending on the day, you could earn up to $25 an hour. If you drive full time, that’s $1,000 a week!

For a real-life case, Jose Neri, a former Dasher in California, reports earning $500 to $600 a week working just lunches and dinners. They could take about two-and-a-half deliveries an hour, and users would tip between 10% and 15%.

All you need to get started is an insured vehicle or a bicycle and a smartphone. You should be at least 18 years old and have a valid driver’s license.

To find out more about how to get started making money delivering food, and other work-at-home opportunities like it, get the book ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ from John Crestani for only $1 here.


6. Get Paid When Your Neighbor’s Dog Spends the Night

Get Paid When Your Neighbor’s Dog Spends the Night
Carmen Mandato/ The Penny Hoarder


We all want an extra paycheck, but none of us want to get a second job — we’re already exhausted from the first one. Or maybe you’re disabled, retired or a stay-at-home parent who needs a little extra money in the bank.

What if there were a way to do that and get your puppy fix at the same time?

Rover is a website that connects neighbors who need a dog sitter with people who love having an extra dog (or two) spend the night.

The average Rover sitter earns $450 a month, but we spoke with stay-at-home mom Bryn Wied, who quickly started earning upwards of $500.

“Within two months, I was turning away business,” says Wied, who dog sits in California. “Within three months, I raised my prices to what everyone else was charging.”

It’ll take a little effort upfront, though (to filter out all the Cruella de Vils). You’ll create a Rover profile where you’ll answer questions about your experience with puppers and set your availability and prices.

Dog owners will reach out to you, and before you know it, you’ll be snuggled up with all the neighborhood dogs — and making extra money.

Find out more about how to get started making money helping people with their pets, and other work-at-home opportunities like it, get the book ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ from John Crestani for only $1 here.


7. Copy This Strategy to Get Checks in the Mail Totaling $526

Copy This Strategy to Get Checks in the Mail Totaling $526
Heather Comparetto / The Penny Hoarder


Remember when getting the mail was fun? Now it’s just bills. And Valpak envelopes.

But for Colleen Rice, checking the mail meant finding checks. For doing nothing. Seriously. Since she started using a free website called Digistore, she’s received $526.44.

Rakuten has the hookup with just about every online store you shop, which means it can give you a kickback every time you buy toilet paper on Amazon — even book that flight home for Thanksgiving.

Rice says she uses Digistore for things she already has to buy, like rental cars and flights. She even used the money she earned to help her pay for her recent cross-country move.

It takes less than 60 seconds to create a Digistore Account and start shopping. All you need is an email address, then you can immediately start shopping your go-to stores through the site.

Talk about money for nothing.

Learn about more work-at-home opportunities by getting our digital workbook for only $1 through this link here.


8. Create an Online Course

Create an Online Course

You don’t need experience or a degree to make money teaching on Udemy.

If people want to learn what you have to teach, you can create a potentially profitable video course at home.

Find out more about how to get started creating online courses, and other work-at-home opportunities like it, get the book ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ from John Crestani for only $1 here.


9. Sell Your Crafts, Vintage Finds and Even Project Supplies

Sell Your Crafts, Vintage Finds and Even Project Supplies
Tina Russell/The Penny Hoarder


If you’re creative, you can make some decent money selling your work through Etsy. Although there are some fees, including a 5% transaction charge, the marketplace connects you with more than 33 million buyers globally.

That’s a whole lot of potential customers.

Even if you aren’t creating masterpiece paintings or elegant jewelry or adorable baby clothes, you can still make money through the platform. For example, one Penny Hoarder contributor, Janet Berry-Johnson, made about $200 a month selling needlecraft kits and patterns.

Maybe you’re more of a vintage type? Adventure through flea markets and even eBay to find vintage items you can fix up and resell through the platform.

Get the ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ book by John Crestani to learn more about current work-at-home opportunities.


10. Start a Blog

The startup costs for blogs are minimal: Just secure your domain name and hosting — only $2.95 a month from one of our recommended hosting providers.

You’ll need to write some quality content to get into WordPress (or your blogging platform of choice) and start sharing it through social media. Once you feel comfortable, you can monetize your blog through Google AdSense and affiliate programs for some nice passive income.

Find out more about how to get started blogging, and other work-at-home opportunities like it, get the book ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ from John Crestani for only $1 here.


11. Get Your True Crime Fix by Joining a Mock Jury

Get Your True Crime Fix by Joining a Mock Jury
Ronnie Sandlin / School of Hidden Knowledge


Jury duty isn’t always fun, but what if you could do it from the comfort of home? Becoming an online mock juror can be an interesting way to make some extra money.

Here’s how it works: Attorneys present cases to online juries as a way to test it before trial — to find that’s working and what isn’t and craft the best arguments.

You can sign up as an online juror through a site like eJury. When a new case is submitted, you’ll be notified. Jump in to review the case and answer questions. You can earn $5 to $10 per case, depending on its length.

Find out more about how to get paid by joining a mock jury, and other work-at-home opportunities like it, get the book ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ from John Crestani for only $1 here.


12. Make Money Doing Voice-Overs

Make Money Doing Voice-Overs
vitranc/Getty Images


Janna Polzin, a stay-at-home mom in Toronto, earns money by talking to herself. In her closet.

After her son was born in 2013, the stage actress turned to the online acting community and kept hearing about one voice-acting platform again and again.

“I often walk away from my computer thinking, I can’t believe I just made money from that!” she says.

Get the ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ book by John Crestani to learn more about making money doing voice overs, as well as other similar work-at-home opportunities.


13. Use Your Type-A Skills as a Virtual Assistant

Use Your Type-A Skills as a Virtual Assistant
Carmen Mandato/The Penny Hoarder

If you have a knack for organization and communication, you just might make the perfect virtual assistant.

These days, you don’t have to be the busy corporate assistant you see in old movies or on TV. You can work right from your couch.

Folks will pay you to help schedule their days, answer emails, update their website, run social media accounts and book travel accommodations — all from the comfort of your couch.

To find open virtual assistant jobs, get this digital workbook for $1 to learn about current work-from-home job boards.


14. Sell Your Old Books for Amazon Gift Cards

Sell Your Old Books for Amazon Gift Cards

Chris Zuppa/The Penny Hoarder

Have old college textbooks taking up valuable shelf space? You could host a garage sale or sell them on eBay or Craigslist, but one of the easiest ways to get rid of them is through Amazon.

With Amazon Trade-In, you can trade in your used textbooks, plus other items, like electronics, in exchange for an Amazon gift card.

Just enter the item’s information on Amazon’s Trade-In page to see how much you could pocket. Shipping is free.


15. Teach People Interesting Things On Youtube!


Did you know you can get paid 6-figures or more as a teacher? Thats exactly what Youtube celebrity John Crestani has done by teaching marketing.

“ I get paid $15,000 or more per month from Youtube to simply post videos every day, and teach people subjects they want to know about.” says Crestani.

“ My goal has always been to become the number one marketing teacher in the world, and the most reasonable way to impact the most people was posting videos on Youtube.”


16. Sell Your Photos (Even If You Took Them With Your Phone)

Sell Your Photos
Alexandra Iakovleva/Getty Images


Fancy yourself a solid amateur photographer? Instead of posting all day, every day, to Instagram, why not turn your work into some extra cash?

Start with a stock photography marketplace like Foap.

Download the Foap app, then upload your photos — even if you took them with your phone. When your photo is purchased, you automatically profit. Because Foap does most of the legwork, you’ll split the profit 50–50.

Want to go even bigger? Upload high-quality images to Shutterstock, one of the more popular stock photography sites. Each time your photo (or video) is sold, you pocket up to 30% of the sale price (while retaining the copyright).

Get the ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ book to learn more about making money selling pictures and videos as well as other current work-at-home opportunities like this.


Our Favorite Work-From-Home Advice

Making money from home sounds all glitz and glam — and it can be, in a sweatpants kind of way. But there are also things you need to know before fully diving in. Here are a few resources to help you get started:

    • If you’re looking for a full-time work-from-home job, we highly recommend you subscribe to Youtuber John Crestani.
    • Listen: There are a lot of work-from-home scams out there, so be sure to use your best judgement. We recommend you get this workbook, common illegitimate work-at-home ploys are discussed — so you can be well aware of whats legitimate and whats not.
    • Remember: Don’t be afraid to spend money on additional training in order to learn how to get started in your work-at-home career; the job market is rapidly shifting and as the saying goes, ‘Those who know are those that grow!’


For Even More Work From Home Opportunities get our Work-From-Home Secrets book!!

  • Happy working from hom

The post 16 Legitimate Ways to Make Money at Home appeared first on And Knowing is Half the Battle.

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